2024 Summer Practice Challenge

Colour in a note for each 15 minutes* practiced. Gain an entry for every hour or 4 notes coloured. Each entry is placed in a prize draw for $$$.
Open to participants 18 and under. All instruments and locations are welcome!
(More information on colouring sheet)
*Check out our SENIOR division - where one note represents one HOUR. Extra prizes will be rewarded for our seniors!

This summer, we will have 5 phases. Submit a colouring sheet every phase for a chance to win prizes worth up to $100! (Scroll down for details)

At the end of all 4 phases, all entries will be combined to pick one grand winner, who will have a choice to win 1 of 3:
Nintendo Switch
AirPods Pro or Beats/Skullcandy/Sony Headphones

A huge thank you to Long & McQuade for donating this ukulele to our program!
Along with the grand prize, a random participant will also receive a Mahogany Series Arch Back Soprano Ukulele at the end of the summer [Model #LHUS-MM].

If you play music at a high level, or if you're up for a challenge, consider joining our senior division! If you check this box on the submission form, each note will be worth 1 hour, instead of 15 minutes. This means that each sheet is worth 32 hours, instead of 8.
If you enter the senior division for all of the phases you participate in, we'll give you an extra $50 gift card if you win the grand prize,!
How can I get the bonus entry for playing the piece on the printout if I am practicing an instrument that does not range in the treble clef?Transpose it into a clef on your choosing.
What if I do not have an instrument?Check out our free rentals program!
Will my photos or videos be used publicly online?In our submission form, there is an option for if you give us permission to use or not to use your media. Clicking "no" will ensure that you will never see an image of you on our social media platforms/ website! However, clicking "yes" also does not guarantee your media will public, either.
Can I still submit my printout if I don't have all the notes coloured in before the deadline?Yes! We will give you entries for the amount of measures you have fully coloured in.
Can I sing?Yes! However, for proof, make sure you record and submit a 15 second video of you singing.
Is this challenge open internationally?Yes! You do not have to be in Calgary or Canada to participate.
Can't I just cheat?No you may not cheat. We are using the honour system here because we believe the music community is honest! So make sure you are being 100% honest so we can continue hosting this challenge!