Community Music Performances
Calling all performers! Join our performances at senior homes, plazas, and more locations to show off what you have been practicing! Not only will you be able to bring a smile to peoples faces, but also earn 3 hours of volunteer service per performance!
Age: Any age and skill level is allowed!
Instruments: You can play any musical instruments. Dancing and vocals are also permitted. A piano will be provided at the location of needed.
Type: Perform any appropriate song or piece with a group or by yourself!
Location: Currently, we only offer performances in Calgary, AB and Toronto, ON. However, we are trying to expand to other cities as well!
Be on our mailing list!
After registering below, an email will be sent to you for any performance updates. This way, you will not need to keep checking the website for any upcoming performances!
If you're on a mobile device, access the signup form here, or copy this link and paste it into your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeRuKf74Nt074_AHom7BYIMLeohlXyNZPbv5IjdE0V_SJXE_A/viewform